Doing a deep clean of your house, a declutter of your garage, or rearranging your basement can leave you feeling organized and super satisfied. It’s a great way to destress while you purge the things you no longer use. Savour a sip of white wine as you tidy or reward yourself with a glass after a job well done - no stains on our watch!
Spring Cleaning
There’s a Wine for Every Occasion
It’s official – Spring is here. How ever you’re welcoming the warm weather season, there’s a wine to suit the occasion, the activity and the foods you love!
750 ml
750 ml
355 ml
750 ml
This light-bodied wine is a true fan favourite with typical flavours of lime and grapefruit, melon and peach, plus its signature “green” grassiness. Bright and crisp, it suits herb-loving dishes, from chicken to pasta and everything in-between.
Pinot Grigio
Also known as Pinot Gris in France, this light-bodied dry white is known for it’s signature flavours of citrus, melon, nectarine and peach. It’s a refreshing match served icy-cool with a wide-variety of light-hearted dishes.
When aged in oak, this full-bodied white wine delivers creamy, rich buttery aromas and flavours alongside apple, pear, mango and pineapple. Unaged, you’ll appreciate its fruit and mineral notes, which partner well with fish and seafood.
White Blend
A great white-wine blend lies in its ability to bring together the best of different grapes. The result is an easy-sipping wine that is layered with flavour and that offers just the right dry-to-sweet balance, plus crisp acidity. The definition of a crowd-pleaser!
Great Wine, Great Food!
It’s been a long day of cleaning… now it’s time to enjoy a quiet moment. Prepare a light snack or lunch and sip on your favourite spring wine! Here are some perfect food and wine pairings to try:
Sauvignon Blanc + Pasta & Herbs
Crisp and fruity, this crowd-pleaser boasts green and grassy notes, which make it the perfect choice alongside pastas with lots of herbs, like pesto with basil, as it complements the delicious fresh flavours in this dish.
Shop Our PickPinot Grigio + Spring greens and goat cheese salad
Super crisp and fresh, Pinot Grigio pairs best with light dishes and flavours. Think spring salads bursting with juicy bits of fruit and tangy goat cheese, topped with a vinaigrette dressing.
Shop Our PickChardonnay + A Cheese Board
This iconic wine is a spot-on choice to enjoy with a cheeseboard. More aged versions suit bolder cheeses (yes, even blue cheese), while lean and fruity Chardonnays are perfect with creamier cheeses like Camembert.
Shop Our PickWhite Blend + Grain Bowls
A white blend is a versatile wine to have on hand for when you’re craving a veggie-packed grain bowl. Balanced and fresh, try it with your favourite quinoa-meets-avocado and edamame concoction.
Shop Our PickTips & Tricks
Make a squeaky-clean plan!
A thorough clean starts with a well thought-out plan. Do a walkaround of your home room by room and take notes on what areas need the most lovin’. Having a cleaning strategy will keep you organized as you tackle your to-do list.
Top to bottom is best!
Start with the ceilings first and work your way down. This technique will save you a lot of time and energy! Get those pesky cobwebs with a vacuum extension hose, then dust furniture, surfaces, and objects before vacuuming the floors.
Destress by decluttering
When your home is disorganized, this can add stress. Think of all the spots that make you uneasy - this is a good place to start! By visiting these areas on a regular basis, it will become easier to maintain.
Windows and walls need love
Floors get the most love, but walls and windows collect a lot of dust too. Wipe them down and your blinds with a damp towel, top to bottom. Then remove your window screens and give them a good wipe too.
Go greener when you clean
Avoid exposing yourself to harsh and toxic chemicals. A steam cleaner is 100% natural and can be used to clean multiple surfaces, from floors and kitchen appliances to bathrooms. An alternative: combine white vinegar, baking soda, and water!
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